Setting Properties


Just like Laravel, you can define mass assignable fields by fillable or guarded property

export class User extends Eloquent {
  protected fillable = ['email', 'username']

  // This way also works :)
  // static fillable = ['email', 'username']

Only defined properties in fillable can be filled with .fill()

const user = new User()
user.fill({ email: 'a', password: 'x' })

console.log(user.toObject()) // => { email: a }

You can skip fillable setting by using .forceFill()


You can simply define timestamps for models by changing static (or protected) variable named timestamps. By using this feature every time the model get saved, created_at and updated_at will updated automatically

export class User extends Eloquent {
  protected timestamps = true

  // This way also works :)
  // static timestamps = true

By default, Najs Eloquent will create 2 fields named created_at and updated_at, you can custom the fields’ name:

export class User extends Eloquent {
  protected timestamps = { createdAt: 'created', updatedAt: 'updated' }

  // This way also works :)
  // static timestamps = { createdAt: 'created', updatedAt: 'updated' }


You can simply define soft deletes feature for models by changing static (or protected) variable named softDeletes.

export class User extends Eloquent {
  protected softDeletes = true

  // This way also works :)
  // static softDeletes = true

By using this feature every time the model get deleted the data ind database not actually deleted, it update deleted_at from null to date object. You can custom the deleted_at field name:

export class User extends Eloquent {
  protected softDeletes = { deletedAt: 'deleted' }

  // This way also works :)
  // static softDeletes = { deletedAt: 'deleted' }

With soft deletes model all retrieve operators like .find() or .get() automatically return non-deleted entries only, you can use .withTrashed() or .onlyTrashed() to receive deleted entries

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